Morna Young


Celebrated writer of “A Play, A Pie and A Pint”s current offering, Aye Elvis, whilst having one of her early plays rehearsing in Perth ahead of a major Scottish tour, it’s high times for Morna Young. But she made time to pop by and tell me where it all started for her and what a great chat we had. If you want to join us, just hit play. So simple!

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Darren Brownlie


I bet you didn’t know there was a one-man version of “The Steamie”. Well, there is. Or at least, there was. Gather round and hear tell of it, and many other showbiz mysteries. There’s only one man for this job: it’s the inimitable Darren Brownlie!

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Grant O’Rourke


A well-known face of both stage and screen, Grant stopped by to chat with me about watching cancelled TV shows, the massive challenges of working a season at Pitlochry Festival Theatre, and of course his great skill at “doing nothing”! Join us for a wee blether. Thanks for your continued support.

If you’d like to help the podcast to grow, you can pledge a small amount by clicking here. Thanks in advance!